CapitalBio SmartGrid™ and SmartCover™ have been developed for high throughput, multiple sample (4-, 8-, 10- and 12-sample) handling on a single microarray slide under identical conditions. SmartCover™ helps to enhance the quality of hybridization or immunoreaction, and to facilitate the manual sample injection process. Using the SmartCover™ can also minimize hybridization variability or immunoreaction variability.
Key Features
● Small projections on the SmartCover™ cover slips and the SmartGrid™ adhered to the slide surface eliminating cross-contamination among discrete samples
● Sample introduction ports on the SmartCover™ make sample loading easy while avoiding air bubbles and sample solution leakage
● Uniform distance between the SmartCover™ and the spotted slide aids the even distribution of sample solution
● High efficiency hybridization yields enhanced signals
● Precise positioning of the SmartCover™ eliminates spot searching
● Inert product materials provide an ideal reaction environment
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