CapitalBio Fifteen Deafness-Related Gene Mutations Detection Kit


According to the WHO, 360 million individuals, or more than 5% of the world’s population, suffer disabling hearing loss. Hearing loss produces significant negative impacts on individuals’ life and society.

Fifteen Deafness-Related Gene Mutations Detection Kit is designed for a rapid and accurate detection of deafness-related gene mutations. It employs multiplex allele-specific PCR-based universal array (ASPUA) and covers 15 mutations in four genes. It can be used for genetic counseling and newborn screening.

Key Features

● High Throughput: As many as 15 deafness-related gene mutations are detected simultaneously.
● Rapid Detection: It takes only 5 hours to finish the testing process.
● High Sensitivity: Its detection limit is 3ng human genomic DNA/µL.

Information of the 15 Mutations

Ordering Information

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