CapitalBio HPV DNA Detection Kit & CapitalBio HPV Genotyping Detection Kit


Cervical cancer is one of the major threats to women’s health. According to the WHO, there are 500,000 new incidences and 250,000 deaths resulting from it every year around the world. IARC identifies HPV as the main cause of cervical cancer. Molecular epidemiological investigations demonstrate that DNA fragments of HPV could be detected in 99% of samples taken from patients suffering cervical cancer. Persistent infection and multiple infection by high-risk HPV is key to the occurrence and development of cervical cancer. Detecting the infection of HPV is critical to the prevention and the cure of cervical cancer.

CapitalBio HPV DNA Detection Kit is designed for a rapid and accurate screening of high-risk/low-risk HPV infection. CapitalBio HPV Genotyping Detection Kit is designed for a rapid and accurate genotyping of HPV. Covering 22 types of HPV, including 18 high-risk types and 4 low-risk types, they can be used to detect the infection of HPV, identify women subject to high risk of cervical cancer, distinguish diseases caused by the infection of HPV from diseases with similar symptoms, help doctors make plan for personalized treatment, and evaluate the risk of postoperative recidivation.

Key Features

● High Throughput: 18 High-Risk types of HPV and 4 Low-Risk types of HPV are detected simultaneously. 4-8 samples can be tested with a single slide.
● Rapid Detection: It takes only 3.5 hours to finish the testing process.
● Automatic Operation: Hybridization, washing, and scanning are all finished by instruments. No developing operation is needed. Reports are generated automatically by the software.
● High Accuracy: 1925 clinical tests demonstrate that 95% of the results obtained with CapitalBio HPV Genotyping Detection Kit are consistent with those obtained with sequencing.
● High Traceability: Test results can be saved permanently and therefore are highly traceable.

Information of the 22 Types

Ordering Information

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